Strength Training

A sad fact of life is that very few lifters have a sense of history.  What I mean by this is that many people who train have little or no knowledge of ...

Core and ab training are typically used interchangeably to describe working the stomach area. Contrary to belief though, the core and ab are actually not the ... SSC from SS Austin, Andrea Mates, ...

When you’re looking to gauge your progress with an at-home fitness test, you might rely on some of the standard exercises from those presidential fitness ...

Anyone who is reading this is interested in strength.  The building, testing, demonstration of strength.  In all its forms, categories, sub-categories.  ...

The deadlift is a barbell, compound movement that works basically every single muscle in the body. It makes them an efficient strength training exercise that ... As a riverboat captain, Captain ...

When you’re a fitness junkie, sore muscles may feel like a badge of honor. After all, when friends and co-workers ask why you groan every time you sit ...

Four years ago, on April 6, 2019, the Iron Game lost one of its finest people, with the passing of Dr. Ken Leistner.  Quite often, when we lose someone ...

If you’re someone who prefers to workout in nature or perhaps the comfort of your home, you probably prefer bodyweight exercises—those that don’t require the ...

"Is a 111 pound soldier really an effective member of an infantry squad? Can that soldier carry the average soldier when wounded on the ...

If you want your body to respond to whatever your mind can imagine, you need to get grounded, get strong, and master the primal movements. Super Trainer ...