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Cuando Vickie Lynn recibió resultados positivos del VIH en 1991, cuando tenía 21 años, pensó que le habían dado una sentencia de muerte. Ciertamente nunca ...

Written by Laura Porter  ・ 5 mins  Well, there’s one thing we ask of all 200hr certified teachers – that’s to stay committed to the learning journey. It’s a ...

If you’re someone who prefers to workout in nature or perhaps the comfort of your home, you probably prefer bodyweight exercises—those that don’t require the ...

How Are Vaccines Made? Image of a large family seated around the Thanksgiving dinner table. Mom, at the head of the table, is talking Mom: I’m so glad we ...

When Vickie Lynn learned she was HIV positive in 1991 at the age of 21, she thought she’d been given a death sentence. She certainly never imagined she’d ...

By Alicia Dill Starting in 2013, I’ve been practicing regularly at the same hot yoga studio two to three times per week. Hot yoga gives me intensity, ...

"Is a 111 pound soldier really an effective member of an infantry squad? Can that soldier carry the average soldier when wounded on the ...

Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., is a podcaster, an entrepreneur, and a molecular and human geneticist. (In other words, she’s really smart.) Read her column here ...

While it’s not always on the top of our minds as yoga teachers, there’s always a chance for yoga student injuries to occur. Chances are, ...

If you want your body to respond to whatever your mind can imagine, you need to get grounded, get strong, and master the primal movements. Super Trainer ...