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June is Alzehimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.As told to Nicole Audrey Spector“Why would you donate your brain to science?” It’s a question I’ve been asked a ...

July 03, 2023 Butterfly Edition On Starting ...

El cáncer ovárico o cáncer de los ovarios, se considera frecuentemente un asesino silencioso porque no muestra síntomas en sus etapas tempranas y señales ...

It’s no secret that yoga is good for you. It can increase strength, improve flexibility, balance, and reduce stress — and it can help you reshape your ...

Ovarian cancer, cancer of the ovaries, is often called a silent killer because it has no symptoms in the early stages and signs like bloating can be ...

Everybody wants to get in shape. It’s the prime mover of an industry worth untold billions. Every single year, around January (no coincidence there) a whole ...

Rip talks about muscular growth and strength increases. He discusses why ...

Cardio before weights, or weights before cardio? Everyone seems to have a different answer: Your friend swears by doing her cardio workout before hitting ...

The Expert:  Dr. Fola May, M.D, Ph.D, M.Phil  When should people start screening for colorectal cancer? How often should you get screened?  Screening for ...

Katie Tetz is Power Living’s Studio Business Manager and Bondi Studio Manager. She shares her experience of having Gina Brescianini as a personal mentor. All ...