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Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., is a podcaster, an entrepreneur, and a molecular and human geneticist. (In other words, she’s really smart.) Read her column here ...

The mechanics of pulling a barbell off the floor have been discussed rather thoroughly in the Blue Book, and I am ...

One herb is grabbing attention in the field of hair growth as more and more individuals turn to natural options for their beauty needs: rosemary. This ...

It's Okay To Cry by Jim Steel | September 19, 2023 ...

Emily Jamea, Ph.D., is a sex therapist, author and podcast host. You can find her here each month to share her latest thoughts about sex.There’s a comedy ...

Combine a front squat with a push press and what do you get? Dumbbell thrusters. Also called dumbbell squat thrusters, this exercise works your entire ...

Although there are other forms of skin sensitivity, Rosacea is the most prevalent trigger of skin redness. Rosacea is a severe skin disorder characterized by ...

As we have said many times, not everybody needs to do the power clean. This has been repeatedly interpreted to mean, “I don't need to do the power ...

About 1 in 4 surgeries in women in the United States involve obstetric-gynecologic (OB-GYN) procedures. That means you might find yourself needing to have ...

Starting Strength Coach Chase Lindley explains why halting deadlifts are added to training and explains how to perform them correctly. Credit : Source ...